Pets are important members of our family which is why we take such good care of them.
Visit us often as we explore, share, laugh and cry about our pets!

The Furry Girls In Our Life

Pinky liked to run and when we moved into our new home, she did just that! And she did it SEVERAL times a week! Once we were able to put a fence up things were a bit more calm, however, Pinky was also a jumper and as such, she could jump the fence. Eventually, my parents gated the back porch and Pinky was only allowed in the yard if she was leashed. Sigh... with all of her running I often wondered where she was headed. It was clear to me she couldn't have found a better home. Oh well, in our family we lived for our dogs and as such, we adjusted our lives to fit our canines.

Pepper, on the other hand, seemed to recognize a good thing and she was not going anywhere! She could be allowed outside alone, even unleashed, and she would never step foot out of the yard. In fact, if my Mom had gone outside to do something and left Pepper in the house with Pinky, Pepper would jump at the screen door until she was able to knock it open. She never ruined the door or the screen, however, there were countless times that she had actually tripped the screen door lock and ended up locking my Mom out of our house! Naturally, us kids found this amusing, much to my Mom's dismay.

Did I mention Pinky doesn't like to have her picture taken?!?

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