Pets are important members of our family which is why we take such good care of them.
Visit us often as we explore, share, laugh and cry about our pets!

A Bit More About Pepper

Pepper was my Mom's dog.

Pepper worshiped my Mom.

Pepper followed my Mom around the house and was practically glued to her side.  Most nights, she even slept in my Mom and Dad's bed. Eventually, at some point during the course of the evening, my Dad would kick her out and alas, she would come to sleep in my room. Naturally, this made me happy.

Pepper and Pinky had very different personalities. It is understandable, given Pinky's background of having been a street dog. Pepper, although she came to our home as a young puppy, had 2 previous homes before finding her forever home with us. I have no idea why they turned her away but I am happy they did!

Pepper and Pinky got along very well. That is not to say they didn't have their little "dog fights" but they were few and far between and easily broken up.

Eventually my parents purchased a house in the suburbs but by this time my oldest sister was married and we were now a family of 5 with 2 dogs. We moved to an adorable bi-level brand new home with a backyard that was not fenced. Heavens, this would mean trouble for our little Pinky who still had not figured out that she had found her forever home and that we would treat her like a queen. She still liked to run, and run she did!

Before I go into that lonnnny story, let's see another cute photo of Pepper:

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