Pets are important members of our family which is why we take such good care of them.
Visit us often as we explore, share, laugh and cry about our pets!

Getting To Know Pepper

Now that you've come to know Pinky, I will share Pepper with you.

From the day she came to live with us, Pepper was the most adorable and loving little puppy anyone could ever want! Between my siblings and I, we carried Pepper around the house constantly. She never needed to walk any place because she had her own transportation system in us.

As previously mentioned, Pepper came to us as a small puppy. She was easily housebroken and was basically a good dog from the beginning. It is possible she got into a thing or two but nothing significant comes to mind so I will just say she was an all-around good dog!

Pepper seemed to take to my Mom the most and as such, she was glued to her side. This made for a very obedient dog who never left the yard and never tried to run away. She always had to be within eyesight of my Mom and wherever my Mom went, Pepper was right next to her. It was sweet and adorable because after all, isn't this what we would want in a pet?

Pepper had a quirky side though. She didn't like musical instruments. Whenever you played an instrument she would howl. I guess I am assuming she didn't like it but perhaps she loved it and just wanted to sing along! I guess we will never know but it was cute and a fun memory of Pepper.

If Pepper were alive today, this would be the perfect design for her:
Best In Show Doggie T Shirt

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